Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Feels Like I’m in a Race, but I Already Won First Place

Grrrrr. You chicken.
Hahaha, I just had to say that....though it still applies.

So much for the more assertive and assured Jeremy. He only exists in your head, dude. Doesn't exist in real life....yet. He is hopefully going to show up soon, though.

Gah. I'm being melancholy, and this post is supposed to be the opposite....

Okay. Change of moods.

Today has pretty much come and gone. I'm at home, and the day is winding down. I don't foresee myself doing too much else aside from the usual. And you know what, I'm okay with that. Honestly. Even factoring in what happened earlier, I'd say that the entire day as a whole was a success.

Then again, I didn't even do anything aside from give my probably-unneeded input. Haha, I hope that was okay though. Just like I hope that the jamba juice was a nice touch. I hope.
Let's hope.

Wow! Still in a somewhat negative tone. Change it up!

So yeah. After 4 days, any sort of contact was welcomed and craved. And nothing disappointed....well aside from myself.

But nothing on that other end was short of perfect; like I've said: candle holding.
After being so excited for the last four days, even more so yesterday, I'm now like 2523523523 times as excited for Thursday. What can I say? I'm addicted.

Earlier, Derek said to me, "I've been so lucky recently." You know what Derek? I've been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly lucky, recently too. Especially the last two weeks, but even since mid-February. Or I could take it a step further and say since Winter Quarter began. Or, even better, since I became an officer.


I hate leaving. It sucks. But I guess I can deal with it, because I know that I "already won first place."
I have no complaints. At all.
Just knowing that I have it, makes up for any negatives.

Happiness >>> anything else

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